"I stopped explaining myself when I realized people only understand their level of perception."
M is back.
I almost cannot believe that was only three days ago. It truly feels like a life time. My nails are crusted with blood from mutilating my body. Even my toenaisl are so cut up from the constant picking that it hurts to wear sock, or even walk at all. My face is puffy because I have picked it so intenstly that chunks of skin are missing. My job is crumbling before my eyes almost as fast as my sanity. I havent been in a place like this, ever. I feel psychoatic, I dont know who I am or what I wil do. I just cant. I cant do anything, There was a moment after he got out that I felt strong but I think between losing him forever, losing Lauren the only person I truly had, and having my job increase the stress and expectations I have utterly snapped. So bad sometimes I truly consider admitting myself for a 72-hour hold. I think that would only make it worse. This is one of those battles though. These are my demons. I write about tenecious souls but where is mine? I know I am stronger than this. I know that life has proven to me that every time I fall I get back up even stronger. I have always had someone to lean on in a sense, I am not truly alone. No one is coming to save me, no fantasy in my head is even coming to save me. I couldnt tell you one thing I can think of that might even make me happy. I truly feel dead. This time it is in a self-destructive way though which is geenerally not my style. I think ultimately that is why even I am scared this time as I am falling down. Every light that is ever given to me goes out. No one stays. No one remains. No one is truly trusting. No one is real. Everyone wants you to be silenced. Silenced because you say the truth. Silenced because your damage and trauma is annoying, uncomfortable, or inconvenient. I never meant to be a mess. I just somehow always was and am...
I even get tired of saying it. Trust me. No one is as sick of the sob stories as me.
Sometimes I tell myself this happened to me because I am that special and that strong. I cannot tell normal people the total truth or I sound absolutely bat shit crazy. I cant tell someone that I would literally drive my car off of a bridge if I didnt beleive in God and my mother didnt ingrain in my brain my whole life how selfish it was. At this point though, God is the only reason. Even selfishness would have to mean that you have people. I have my mom and dad and for that I am grateful but they have their people. I one.
I cannot tell people I am bleeding everywhere from self mutilation. You cant tell people you want to be bury alive for your birthday. You cant tell people that you havent showered in three days because it takes so much life to clean yourself. it also hurts because of all the open wounds. I always saw the future before. Some sort of a light, a glimmer of hope. I literally now only see blood and darkness. The only person right now that can truly hurt me is me. How long will I continue to hold the knife that stabs, slices, and robs me of everything my I have ever worked for. Everything I have ever suffered for. I remember crying. It almost makes me laugh. I can almost not even imagine what it may feel like to feel anything at all. I stand for hours and mutilate myself and stare at nothing. So much blood everywhere. This surely cannot be it. This surely has to be the kind of sick and demonic demonic turmulteous darkness that tries to take you to the devil when nothing worldy can. When the devil cannot get to you he doesnt send someone else, he send your own mind.
People want me to get therapy, see a trauma specialist, a dermatologist, seek any form of help. No one understands that no prince is coming. No night and shinning armour is going to swindle me up and bring me out of this turmoil. There is no king in this kingdom. The only one who can fight this battle is me. Most people will never know what its like to dance with your own devils. To look them in the eyes and wonder if that is truly your own reflection?
Later- technically 1/14 now 12:28 am
I think part of what scares me the most is how violently I am switching back and forth. If I am being honest. I fear the adderall is amplifying my own inherent mental sufferings. This was meant to be postive though. To remind yourself who you are. This is the light inside you talking; even if it is in a bit of a fucked up toxic kind of way. Even I’m truly mind fucked but in my own way, I truly love the game. I get bored. When someone challenges me I boss up. I’m challenging me. It’s time to boss up again. No one wins to you B, not even the demons that Walk your favorite graveyards inside your head.
It was this guys birthday and we have this bizarre idk what the fuck thing going on. Literally my kryptonite. He’s different. He’s a mind fuck but like in a good way. Really tripping me out. This guy could be the real deal. I’m hard to handle, I’m half of everything, I’m a spitfire but I’m also benevolent. It’s like we can read between the lines with eachother so well but also not at all. I wouldn’t say it’s helping with my disassociation issue but I’m also not hurting it either because I need a light. Even if it’s far away and even a little ducked up.
This guy, we will literally call him this guy. If someday he becomes my husband well then I better also be a New York Times best seller for this shit because damn I’m good. I called M before he was mine and a part of me wants to believe I can call my husband too. Part of me thinks maybe that was truly part of my self sabotaging nature, believing I knew..anything about the future.
Well this guy and I have been friends for a little over a month. We are completely platonic but in a facetious kind of way. It’s like we communicate in a weird way but we both get it. We can read eachother between the lines so well but then I feel so lost at the same time. I get bored so easy, this is literally my jam. I always say o want a nice guy but can I even have one? I truly wonder. I listen to the self help books on dating advice. EVERYTIME a guy does one of those healthy characteristics which builds a foundation for a healthy relationship I am unamused and quoted honestly, annoyed. Hit them with the block, self destruct, self sabotage but in a absolute zero desire for them kind of way. This guy said I have daddy issues. This guy says shit to me I wouldn’t let anyone say. It’s... very different.
Well it was this guys birthday on the 12th. He went Mia at work at 8:55 am. Literally cannot that I know the time I sent my last message bc this mofo hasn’t even read it. At least he hadn’t when I left work an utter mess earlier. He generally says good morning via phone and work and he sent me a good morning via phone but not work. I didn’t hear from this dude all day at work and we talk all day everyday. He had told me that he would be spending the day with his gf: it goes back to the weird read between the lines thing. I knew he was insinuating he wasn’t going to be able to talk to me much. I didn’t know he was going to ghost me 100 percent. He snapped me a few times today and I kept him on delivered just like his dumbass green icon was keeping me at work.
Last night, he posted on his snap story his gf at dinner. I felt like that was him sending a message, he knows I am a savage but that is pretty rough and he has yet to do anything like that. To me he was saying she knows and now I can’t talk to you. I’m okay with that. Literally. I need no one, let me be clear. And I will never again let someone be my number one while I forever remain cemented at number two. Not to alcohol, and definitely not to a girl. Especially when she’s vanilla and I’m Hershey’s chocolate.
he was long gone to me. I had already cancelled him and had his less than a second funeral. I don’t get dubbed like that. It was laughable. I saw he snapped me again and I was like well this stupid idiot has ghosted me at work and tried to bury me deep in his teams chat but sure can talk to his homie privately so let’s see what he has to say. The last one I had just received was a video of him apologizing for ghosting me at work the past two days, he said he forgot we worked together. Woooow. Shooketh to the core. He knows well enough to know that will destroy me but I won’t show it. I replied back laughing and telling him something alone the lines of “dude I am cracking up you just apologized to me, you owe me nothing and I owe you nothing. We talk when we talk and we don’t when we don’t. You live your life and I live mine and when we want to bro out we can. I told him I was glad he had a good birthday and that I saw his girlfriend on his story and she was super gorgeous and good for him.” Never play the playa. Literally needed that. I needed to remember who I was. I’m not weak, I’m a savage. If this idiot didn’t care and “forgot” the 48 hours his gf was staying there then he would have never sent me a dumb video the second she left. Games are my entertainment, I truly love them. In utter shock that he just said that to me, I picked my shattered crown off the floor, superglued it back together, and knew that tomorrow was a new day and it was time to boss the eff up.
to be clear this man is an equal level playing savage but he is also emotionally intelligent in the sense that he can destroy me always but knows when I can’t handle it even when I’m pretending I can. In the midst of my break down Sunday I asked him a question. I asked him since he is the only dude I talk to a lot what qualities or characteristics I might exert or display that may be a turn off? I asked him this because I figured he was going to tell me some raw harsh truth. He responded saying well, you are attractive, confident, and independent and you probably scare the shit out of most guys because you don’t need anyone. He said most guys will be intimidated by you, I think it’s a good asset.” I was like wow dude you could have just utterly destroyed me and I gave you full freedoms to say even the things he knows are off limits. I thought I wanted to know but he was smart enough to see that would only break me down more. And damnit this is no love story but shit if he can calm my inner demons and light up my warrior fire. I need some light. He knows my pride is everything, he knows that comment sliced tonight but I’m back bitch. Tomorrow is a new day. And I will be damned if I lose to myself one more day again. I’m not saying I never will, but I’m my shattered soul that was so amlessly walking the graves down the street while I sat breathing in silence in my apartment, she came back. I’m whole again. Tomorrow- may God have mercy on my enemies because I sure won’t.
Xoxo ~ B
Convo with M - later
M told me to find a guy that didn’t have a girlfriend.
I can’t
It’s a sickness
I think I like being the mistress and then taking them away. Slowly so in the end it’s their choice..
Manipulation is my strength, that’s why you and i were so good together but also so tumultuous. You probably never saw it but when you were gone in jail I posted a picture
“Sometimes our best dream and worst nightmare have the same people in them. Letting go I scary but being free is beautiful”
You will forever be that to me. I think now my heart burns so bad from the way we ended in Portland that I just know that either the person I thought was my soul mate was all a figment of my imagination. I remember Raina and I smoking literally like at the very beginning of all that and you were leaving and I sti barely knew you but I was like obsessed with you haha. She said, he’s secretive and mysterious- no one will ever truly know him. Little did I know five years later my heart would be broken and I would honestly question my own reality trying to hang on to any trust in my own perception as to who you were, who we were, and who I was and even am now. I’m strong. I’m battling myself against you. Every day I want to talk to you but I know I can’t. I can’t let you wrap me up on your spider web again. You will always be the black widow in our love story and I will always be the dead fly.
I am completely and utterly pulled back in his web. I don't even know how this happened. I was supposed to stay strong. I was supposed to have my zinger revenge and never acknowledge his presence. Here he was again, the only light in my life, but truly -I didn't even have one at all before.
Right now, I really don't know. I am talking to M, I just finally told Bailey to have fun with his vanilla girlfriend. Richie, I am trying to give him a real chance. Stefan, he just essentially begged for me back in any form of capacity as he put it. Work-life- I just went head to head with my boss and I conquered. The path I take might be rocky, it might be steep, it might break me to my knees time and time again but the constant pain is what is creating the wings on my back. Today was not the best but you ARE moving forward. Never suppress yourself for anyone baby girl. You did NOT suffer the way you did, to now roll over and take any bullshit. I am taking the reins of my own life. My job, my friends, my family, my image, my emotions, my money, my business. is now my business. I don't owe anyone anything and I can be whoever I want to be....honestly though...TBD. I love the chaos. I love the toxic. I might be strong but I am also self-aware enough to notice one of my toxic traits is to thrive on the madness. I can't say a simple life could ever satisfy me.
xoxo B
"And that's why we stay longer than we should...because it hurts to watch something you love transform into something you should hate. We sit & wait for it to return to it's original state, in denial as we ignore the fact that whats we see is always there & what is now, will always be". R.HSin
It has been awhile. Although I have been making voice recordings to help myself look back and remember this time in my life, writing however has been too painful.
I suppose you might say that opening up my laptop to write is a step forward.
That quote. lol. I slowly laugh as I shake my head. It is a beatiful day here in Plano, TX. It's Sunday, which is my personal day. The day I give to myself to recharge for the week, no schdules, no timeframes, not limits. As much as I love structure, I just as much love freedom. Too much of anything can be too much, medicine only works in the correct dosage. The way its meant too, at least. I have been talking to M, we have been decently good. The thing is I know with him everything is temproary. Last night he flipped a 180 on me and it was you make my stomach curl and I would never see you and my life is so much better without you. Earlier the same day, he was telling me he loved me so much and he thought of me always, we were 100 percent soulmates, and he felt connected to me more than anyone in the whole world. People do not realize how hard it is to be lifted up so high for the same person to then turn around and tear you down to your lowest low. I have however realized, at this point I am doing it to myself. I know I am hindering myself from moving forward. I know that I am choosing to talk to him, I am choosing to look for happiness in the same place that hurt me, and I know that I am self sabotaging my chances at a second chance,
I may be self aware and emotionally intelligent, self disciplined however, I am not. Most of the time, even I do not even realize how bad the past truly was until I tell someone about it, or I have a random flashback. Truth is, things were never good, not even from the very beginning. I dont think I ever loved M, I loved the version of M I made up in my head. The version of M I believed he would or could be if he found sobriety, I lied to everyone around me about the severity or magnitue of the situation. Truth be, I got so good at painting on a smile and pretending everything was fine that I even started to believe hell was heaven. Sitting in hell but believing you are in heaven is a dangerous illusion, deadly honestly. Not only did Iose my grip of reality, I lost control of my own mind.
What I had to learn the hard way was that the warrior inside of me is much more malicious than my demons, the devil and I get along just fine. In fact, I bow to no one, the devil actually now bows to me. This next chapter in my life will be enchanting. To accept the light and darkness of your mind, to understand we all have our own demons, and to know that being in heaven or hell of this life is truly about the perception you choose to have you become oddly dangerous. Accepting that as much as I am holywater, I am also just as much hell fire. For te first time, I truly do not give a fuck if my spirit incroches on your demons. I don't even give a fuck if my demons destroy your spirit. As I put on my red lipstick, I remind myself that my lips are my guns. As I smile back at myself in the morror I remember that my smile is the trigger. I blow a kiss to myself on the way out of the now dark room, the self-confidence I am regaining is truly the real bullet, baby I am coming back and damn, I am a real killer. I drpped my crown, a few pieces may have even chipped off and became lost foever. I found a new crown, it sparkles and shines a hell of alot brighter than the old broken one.
" I will destroy you in the mos beautiful way possible and when I leave, you will finall understand, why storms are names after people."
"Hell sent us the most evil disease and we humans called it love."- Conny Cernick
Happy Easter!
I did something outlandish today. I asked a guy out. Like an actual amazing catch man. YA'LL!! This is wild AF. May I mention that in my head I sound like Snoop Dawg because I like to classify myself as a chill stoner with a majestic sense of humour? The unfortunate part is that I sound like Paris Hilton and I am an attractive blonde so people do not get my satire and generally think I am either A.) serious, or B.) really that dumb. I remember during the Snow Apocolypse this year in Feb of 2021 I was in a group chat with my Team from work. I had slept most of the day after I realized I did not have power, when I woke up I did not realize the magnitude of the situation. I texted in the group message something to the effect of "Does this mean door dash is closed too?" and I put an Alexis Meme from Schitt's Creek. People informed me restaurants were not open. I was shooketh they literally thought I was serious. My jaw had to be picked up ff the ground. I was expecting some HA HA's not an informative response to what I felt was "comedy." I chose to just say nothing further lol. Good to know, Susan. Hence the huff and eye roll.
Back to the guy, I asked out. Let's call him Q. I suppose if we run into having two dudes in the story with the same letter to their first name then I will start labelling them by numbers after the letter. A simple fix for confidentiality. See, that was a JOKE. Sometimes I think about what it would be like to meet me and I cringe. I would so hate me. The blonde hair, fake tan, long lashes, snotty condescending personality, I could continue but I think I have painted you a vivid enough image to see the point I am trying to make. We have ALL met one of THOSE girls. Yep, hey- me. I of them forsure. At least, I am not in denial, okay ya'll. Being self-aware is great and all but that does not mean you can change who you inherently are. Anyways, maybe the big guy upstairs has over plans and Q is my soulmate. I mean thirty years of perfect wife material in the making over here. I hold on to the belief that my husband is out there and waiting for me too. We both have lived lives of joy, triumph, trials, and tribulations and because of all of those moments lined together in chronological time, we have become who we needed each other to be, to be together in current time.
I went to HS with this Q guy, super welll-hot. Introverted. Smart. Driven, Self-kept? I dont know. When I graduated from PSU and knew that I was likely going to move home to get away from M, I remeber kinda eyeing out the guys in Dallas. Who still lived there? Who was still single? After ten years, what is their perception of me? I had a plethura of thoughts and emotions, lots of made up scenrios I danced around in my head. Everyone has something in life they want, its like that one thing they want completes their hearts puzzle piece. It is their own souls purpose and joy of life. For me, that "purpose," that "joy" was always having a fairytale love story. The kind of love that was safe, sacred, trusting, spontaneous, complex, gracious, but most of all- I wanted an equal partnership. A love that did not run away, a love that is consistent, and a love that makes everything else in the world A okay. I remember he liked my graduation picture and I was like OHHH YESSSS. lol. I feel like I saw a girl in the picture but she seems gone? TBD.
When I first got back to Dallas I was spewing blood all over anyone who came even remotely close to me. I was shattered. I was fat. I was sad. I was scared. I was embarrassed. And I was living with my mother at 29 years old. Although it was temporary it was hard. My whole past was quite literally dead. My family, both men that I had spent the last 16 almost 17 years dating, etc. Not that I had much to lose, to begin with, but the little bit I did have in Portland was completely obliterated.
I remember telling myself, get good at this job, get skinny, be confident. I pumped myself up on the sidelines for the last 10 months. I have cried, I have screamed, I have felt as if I have been bleeding out and I am dead but still conscious. I have been pulling mould out of my body, my eyelids, my lip, between my toes, between my skin and nail, anywhere and everywhere. The pain has almost driven me mad. These last ten months have been a challenge, to say the least. The manic episodes scared even me. Every day I am exponentially growing though and that is what matters. I definitely deadlined there for a minute but I am back baby and spitting game. At least, I hope so. I bounce between confident and insecure every five seconds. Uncontrollable mental tennis constantly.
This Q guy was like on the list of guys that I would have never DARED to speak to when I initially moved back. The top calibre on the tier of future husband candidates. I think I am better than basically everyone but something about him gave off this what if he is too good for ME kind of vibe. I mean I am pretty and skinny now and I am shaking in my boots. ME. Pretty blonde girl over here that has never been called ugly a day in her life and WHY AM I FREAKING OUT AGAIN?!?!? As I hyperventilate into a paper bag. I am not good with first impressions, I word vomit, I overshare, I paint inaccurate stupid and dumb pictures of myself. I am still struggling with the concept less is actually more, eyeroll 3430379482735982.
I struggle with self-love, shame, guilt, and have likely a neurological disorder from the abuse I have suffered over the past few years. I am scared, scared to ruin what should have been mine. Scared to not take the leaps and bounds when the worst someone can say is no. Long story short, I just- on April 4, 2021, got back on my game, thought about what I wanted, and finally decided to boss up and step up to the plate to take it. I forget who I am sometimes, I forgot who I was for a very long time. I do not want to be any version of myself that I have ever been before. I want to be a whole new version, stronger, badder, wiser, and savage. Straighten up boy, your future wife is here. The word no is not in my vocabulary. I cant? Said who? And if you do prefer silver and I am gold, that is okay too. The queen has risen bitches and it is about to get a little steamy and spicy. May we see where the cards fall with this one "team," hopefully, it is straight to the king of diamonds and the queen of hearts. Poker, much? Let's gamble baby.
4/11/2021When you
"When you are insane, you are busy being insane- all the time."
"Why do you stay in a prison when the door is wide open?"- Rumi (not an exact quote)
I was doing so much better. I felt strong again. I could feel that my wings had finally crushed all the way through the flesh, blood, and bones that were keeping them intact deep within me. They pierced through my mental and physical body. Taunting me with pain, turmoil, psychosis, and manic episodes. I had nefarious dark parts of my psyche that told me I could not do it, I was not strong enough, and maybe winning was not my fate. My unwanted thoughts taunted me day after day to let the immense maddening pain that continued to build up to take the mental sanity I gripped between my fingernails to the point of no return. It is like you hold your life in a glasshouse between your hands. You spin it, watching the disorder each movement you make creates inside the glass walls, reminds me of a snow globe as I watch my self watch myself watch myself in my manic state of utter disassociation. You tip it upside down and glitter or snowflakes fall everywhere, the chaos of the sudden tip creates small fragments to fly everywhere, so free but so contained within the glass globe. Only moments before was the globe transparent calm, and still, the snowflakes and glitter were completely hidden to the human eye. You turn the knob on the bottom and music plays from the glass ball. A glass ball that was completely silent moments before. So pretty, so complex, so fragile. If you dropped the snow globe, the glass would break, the water would escape to any crack and crevice it could slither inside sprawling across the wooden floorboards, and the beautiful tune, the sweet melody that filled your eardrums only seconds earlier was shattered, the music box is broken, and the sound that twisted your lips into a smile would never be heard again. It only takes a split second for beauty and happiness to turn into desolate shambles of trash.
I am trying so hard. So hard to fight myself to raise out of this mental turmoil. the hardest [art truly is he pain. It is s hard to keep my head up and grow when I am consumed by this evil infection isde me.
Some times I feel so broken I do not know how to go on. A sharp pain pierces my heart. I long for someone who is just good for me, no manipulation, I dont even have the energy to describe it. Just remember, all you wanted to do was work, be successful, make something of yourself, he made you feel selfish for doing that day after day. He would break you a million times and then some but if he saved you once, he would never let you forget it. He only did nice things to hold them over me. It is to the point I cant even acccept any offering bc I already know it will come with reprocussions. Sounds alot like my dad. I hate myself for even entertaining him, keeping myself trapped. I am keeping MYSELF trapped. It is long overdue to break fucking free.
Watch me adjust my crown
Y'all, I have been dreaming of this moment for a very long time. The page finally turned in my story, the sad, anxiety-ridden scared socially inept girl that moved back to Dallas finally woke up and remembered who she was. Before M, I had too much confidence. I believed that in any room I walked into I was the best female there. I believed I could take any mans boyfriend because, why would I not be able to seal any woman's man when I was so perfect in every way? People actually told me that my confidence was almost too much, came off condescending and snobby. I cannot say I do not agree, I personally think I would hate myself if I met myself on the street, its a hard life when you think you sound like Snoop dawg but you sounds like M caused me to depreciate into a submissive and timid emotional wreck of a mess. I want to start this new chapter by telling myself how proud I am. I rose from the ashes, wiped the sut from my eyes, coughed the dark demons out one brutal cough after another, I bled out all the gasoline that kept the flames thrashing, When you told yourself back in that video from 2017, fat, ugly, and sad to remember to have faith in God, to remember to have faith in yourself, to remember to believe in life, serendipity, and to believe in good things and to make sure that YOU never let ANYONE take that from you.
If someone told me, in that very moment, after I made that video in that ugly blue PINK Victoria's Secret sweatshirt, that I would be where I am today (4/18/21), I would have surely laughed and gawked in their face. I would have believed to my core that the probability was higher for me to be dead, due to the hands of Matthew Donald Hruby than the probability was of me ever being the queen sitting here writing these words right now. Queen B is finally adjusting her rightful crown. This queen, ladies and gentleman, just hacked her corporate American job like a true boss ass bitch without even having to hack them, the evidence was right there the whole time it's just no one knew where to look. The evidence contained a myriad of snips showing loan assignment histories of 15 loans in my pipeline that was time-stamped clearly showing my mean girl of a manager, as well as the most useless 100k my company ever spent on someone they title a TL, sabotaging me, as well as other unfortunate souls who work on my team, this sabotage went back months. This bitch was really switching out my loans to my detriment, I was called sensitive, I was told I was being dramatic, even told I was obsessing over my work and the treatment I was receiving. I just made waves in the mortgage industry, everyone told me it could not be done, that she had connections wy too high up, I opened up a can of worms with substanial proof, they do not call me B sniper for nothing ;).
I am quite impressed with myself, I gathered so much evidence it was undeniable this chick was purposely and intentionally jepordizing me. I figured out how to pull each processors pipeline, I started pulling every loan in their name and had these snips catogoried by common trends, once gathering more than enough prrof, as much as I love a good rabbit holee I even had to pull myself out, I gathered my thoughts and in my absoulte utter shock I sent a stellar email to the AVP of my division. I spoke professionaly, I never focused on the fact that Mallory was mean, I focused on the transparent display of favoritism and asked for a fair chance with equal dsitribution of lon types in my production job. I wanted the chance to have an equal ppurtunity as the people I was being ranked against month after month. Getting Mallory demoted is my debut, I did what everyone told me was impossible- to get my bully Paris Hilton slave-driving manager demoted. I cannot believe that I am living in a beautiful apartment in Plano, Texas, that I am making 10-20 grand a commission check, that I am losing weight, and deeply soul searching and elvaulating every meticulous detail of my inner and outer being so I can continue to find out who I am.
I really only believed this was, or could only be a figment of my imagination, a fairytale dream that I wished was my life. I can put myselg back in that condo. The plethura of mixed emotions I feel as I utmyself back there of pain, sadness, disappointment, heartbreak, trauma, pain, etc. are overwhelming. I am so sorry that I did that to myself. I never struggled with self love, or I guess I should say I never knew I struggled with self-love until recently. I notice how quick I will go to bat for anyone except for myself. It made me very sad. Seems so obvious now but back then I was just a young girl chasing love. I have to forgive myself for that. In every moment I know that yu did what you thought was best. You were just trying to survive. People call me weak but they truly do not understand how strong I truly am. Most people cannot even work full time and go to school full time. I was able to successfully graduate, eventually, keeping a badass condo on the waterfront while dating an unstable narsasstic drunk psychopath.
I can finally think about things I could not before. To be able even let mysef go to Portland mentally before triggered immese pain and heartbreak that honestly stabbed my heart. I could feel the pain, mentally, emotinally, and even physicaly. The pain is daunting, it consumes my body, and breaks my mental strength, today that pain is piecring but tolerable, I can remember things without crying, I can look back and know that, yes- I wanted it to be him so bad. I would have done anything for that man, no matter how many times he burnt me, lied to me, beat me, and used me as his personal punching bag, I would have been there for him for anything. I remember on m graduation day, he was on a drunk binder, the worst I had ever seen before, he forgot my graduation, I had barely heard from him and I knew he wasnt well but I spent that day pulling any ounze of strength from within to shower and get ready and watch the virtual graduation ceremony and to let myself feel ahy happiness because I had just accomplished something that I literally put blood, sweat, and tears into. M took every good day from me, there is not even one sppecial day that he did not ruin over the past seven years, someday I hope I do not, but today I am so grateful for the exponential growth. I have no idea how I gt here when I look back, blows my mind, causes my disassociation to flare up. God got me here, he carried me when I was too weak to carry myself, he believed in me when I had lost every ounce of confidence in myself that I had worn so elliquently many many years ago,
Today was rough. Friday I was on top of the world and today, Monday, I am having a terrible flare up and I am trying to run as fast as I can to escape the manic darkness, self doubt. and pain pouring out all over what is supposed to be my picture perfect life..
Was this not supposed to be a new chapter full of butterflies, fairytales, and rainbows. I would like to say- BITCH, you bad. I am impressed with myself. I have always had this way about me that I could get away with things that most people never could. I have a way with words, I suppose you could say.
I talked about finding out my manager was sabotaging me and a few other people on my team. Ya'll, words cannot truly express how awful trying to work under her while being sick and sabotaged every dayy truly was for me. I am still hurting. My eyes are puffy, puss and goo coming from every pore. So swollen I cannot see straight. My eyes are black. Whatever this infection is, it is demonic. Whatever it touches when it spews from my pores it eats. It kills the skin. I just have little dry bloody scabs everywhere. It is so hard to do my job which is honestly extremely stressful to begin with on top of this torturous pain.
I told Mallory off last night. I knew for a fact that she had been sabotaging me and she embarressed me and degraded me for the very last time. I told her... insert email.
I had stayed up for two days straight. I am not very mentally stable on low sleep. Truthfully though I think this was all meant to happen. I was meant to have my closure as my temporary new manager our AVP KJ said. I believe that is true. I can close this door and open a new one. I am still stressed to the brink because I am a perfectionist and I am behind, I have not been giving the customer service I normally do, and I do not even know where to start with my dilapidated pipeline.
The thing is, I have so many highs and lows. I did not show up to work today until 3:30, I needed to pull myself to a better place. I also was not super sure if I still had a job since I basically told my manager she was lazy, incompetent, and to go fuck herself.
Truth is, Mallory and I are a lot alike, we probably could have even been best friends if she was not such a cunt.
It is a hard realization that so many people do not like me. I may be conceded but no one has ever called me ugly to my face though soooo... I feel like you would kinda know if your perception of yourself was super false, right? Not for everyone, who knows if mine is accurate or not but I feel like I am pretty, I am smart, I am authentic, I am self-sufficient, independent, and when I am in a good place- I own the fucking room no matter who is in it.
I bow to no one. That stupid girl who came back here almost a year ago, shes dead. Thank God. I never want to be that weak and broken again. I want to be in a place that I second guess nothing I do, think, hear, or say. To take shit from no one. Be second to none.
I do not know why God chose this life for me. I am still trying to figure it out. Is it because I am special? Is it because...literally why? I have such an amazing life- I hate that my heartaches. I can actually feel the crack in the middle. The longing for someone to hold me. I hate typing that. It sounds so silly and weak, so pathetic. Anyone I have ever loved has only ever given me a portion of love back compared to what I gave to them. I havent taked to Matt in awhile. We both knew but didnt know how or what to say. It just happened. He was all I had for so long, it was toxic, it was abusive, it was maddening, and it made me completely unstable. I just feel like so cold and empty inside. I literaly just pulled off some seriously epic shit and I am sad. and the fact I am sad when I am so cool makes me more sad. The real hero is God. I know that I would never be here without him, I know that he carries me every single day. I am not even strong enough to push myself through. I want to be.
I think about what its like to have someone because I never really had M. It feels like a butcher knife just sliced into my heart writing that. The memories are always flashing in my mind like a strobe light. I just want that to stop. Have I not suffered enough yet? Pity parties are pathetic, I hope I am almost to the day I stop throwing them daily. Today, before I went into work, wondering if I still had a job lol. I listened to two of my videos. I am hurt. I have always wanted more than anything to have someone love me as much as I loved them and to have a life companion. I do not even know how to be friemds with someone let alone imagine ever feeling safe around someone again. I think that is what makes me so sad. I do not know how to show the world who I am, I do not know how to show anyone my true colors. Its like you see it or you dont but I never see anyone. I think about all the poeple in the world that are going to sleep with someone next to them, someone in another room in the home, and how few poeple go to sleep night after night alone. It is not the silence I mind, it is the emptiness in my heart. To know how much I loved M and how much he did not give a flying fuck. Looking at my life from the outside for the first time- I feel so much pain that most days I truly want to just die. I just do not know how to even be a nrmal person. I do not know wha could ever make me happy. I mean I just spanked Mallory and I cant even enjy that. I think bc it was a battle I did not even want to fight, I just could not sit on the sidelines any longer while I knew damn well that bitch was stacking my pipeline. She fucked with my money, my mental health, and she kicked me while I was down. That is a big no no. It is truly to bad she is such a fool.Everyone has different levels f common sense. Let us end her story there.
I know God is real, I have faith in his love and grace. I know tha God got me her where I am today, somewhere I never thought I could be, I have faith that he has a plan for me. My biggest fear is ruining it. I just wish someone that I loved could give me a hug. I guess I do not think that there is anyone that could even do that, no one I trust enough, no one I feel safe enough, important enough, to even have that- I think thats what I am so sad about. My heart longs for M, but M was a piece of shit who did not give a fuck about me. Not in any way was our love real. He was the closest person I have ever had and it wasnt even real. That, that is truly earthshattering.
There is a part of me that tries to make myself elieve I will find my person. I am sck of that shit. Be heartless, be cold, be alone, need no one.
When you need no one, you fear no one, and you have nothing to lose. That my deary- now that is winning and that is real true queen power.
xoxo- B
Sunday 12:31 AM 5/2/21
Listening to Experience- Ludovico Einaudi
I think I struggle with where to even begin. First, let me paint the back drop for this story. Me sitting in my house listening to classical music, telling myself I am making progress and I totally am making exponential growth despite being alone daily, anxiety ridden, struggling to restart life when everything being me is truly dead.
My family, broken. Zach, a shard of glass on the floor if my life was a broken mirror and the memories were the pieces, some so faint they did not even seem real. Matthew, he broke me. The crazy thing is, he broke me down to so little I did not even know what was left of me. All I know is I am alive. I breathe everyday, thats about it. Portland, that is a dark place I keep burried in my mind. I have this life, it is beautiful honestly. In so many ways I am winning. Killing it really. Inside, I am still broken. I fight through the pain with the faith that this is part of my journey and this pain HAS to happen for me to get where I am going. Who would I even be without all of this? I would be weak, fragile, submissive, emotional. I would overshare instead of stay silent. I would back down instead of fight for what I believed in. I would run when someone hit me in the face instead of stand up and fight back, I have always been a fighter. I remember looking my dad in the eyes so dead straight one time in one of our physical altercations, seeing his teeth grit, knowing that I may sure be sorry I dare fight back, but starring into his eyes communicating I would only bow down if I was dead. I remember hating tha my mother never left. I would have never guessed I would find myself in her shoes someday. I did not even have children to make me stay. I need to give myself grace though, I was trapped. He took everything from me. There was no safe place, he took my home, he refused to leave. The only way I knew out was to pack a bag and to never look back. To me, leaving before I decided to leave- that was losing. A part of me hates myself for looking at Matt as a challenege. Someone to save. Someone to fix. Maybe I think that if he needed me he would stay. I hate to even think of myself as that weak. Deep down all I ever wanted was stable and consistent love. I have never had that. Every one I ever loved turned their back on me at one time or another. I cannot say that I have always done the people I loved right in every way. Maybe I am wanting something unattainble?
I feel a plethura of feelings and emotions. The only thing I do know a thousand and ten percent, is God is real. God carries me through the days I battle myself to stay alive. Some days I want to die, just because I cannot find any light. I do not know what my purpose is, to be alone, to work, to struggle.I could go out, too bad I am selective and picky. I feel other peoples emotions so strongy that outings drain me. Where is this man of mine? I do not need to be saved. I will never need anyone to save me. I finally learned that lesson. Part of the reason I do not mind the pain but I also just want a little light in my personal life. One person to trust, one person to love. I do not need much. Maybe i could be the same for him, he doesnt need saving, he just needs someone to love and someone to love him back. It is different now, I want someone in my life different than I ever have before. Am I ready? No. I know that. I cannot deny my growth but I still struggle too much to be with my equivelent best verision of me in a man. Is he still growing too? It seems like I am Cinderella trying to get back frm the ball befre I turn into a pumpkin. Except I have always been the pumpkin, never even had a ball to go to. This time, may we skip being a Princess because hunny, I promise- even if you do not see it or feel it now, you are going to be the motherf*cking Queen.
xoxo B
Monday May 3rd 12:05 AM
I want so badly to not hate living. I look around, I do not deserve this life. Why does God look after me when I am so foolishly depressed. I am grateful. I know I am blessed. I hate myself for feeling any negativety. On the days I am strong and confident I am great with my hermit life. Other days, I long for someone to know me. My heart and my soul. To understand me. I know I am authentic. I know I am one of a kind. No one gets to see that side of me. At first impression, I can come off pretencious, condescending, and closed off. Not always, sometimes I am the complete opposite. I am half of everything. I just want to be whole again. Give myself consistency. I am at war inside my mind, torn between two worlds. One where I have everything I have ever wanted, and another where I lost everything. I loved Matthew. I do not know why. He would hit me in the face and laugh as I wiped the blood from my face. I hate the part of me that can even miss him, seek comfort in him, why? Only God knows why. Strength, truly. I had to be broken down to my lowest point to climb my way back to the top.
" I have licked the fire and danced in the ashes of every bridge I ever burned. I fear no hell from you."
- Nicole Lyons
"Walls have ears. Doors have eyes. Trees have voices. Beasts tell lies. Beware the rain. Beware the snow. Beware the man. You think you know."
I may be mentally tired, weak from life, missing a home I have never known, or have I? Is there more to this. Sometimes I dream, dream of what my past lives could have been. Who I was bbefore I came here? Was I even anything at all? If reincarnation was real, and this was one of many of my lives, do certain people always take a form within them- like a love, a monster like M, family?
I am tired, I feel weak, weak and tired I will not stay. Tomorrow is a new day. I have a blank canvus, I get to be whoever I want now. I should stop throwing myself a pitty party and put all of that sad bullshit into somethin worth something. No more tears please. This pain, it made you strong. You are a badass, you know it, and anyone that gets to know you knows it too. You cannot eat with friends when every friend is threatened by you in some way or another. And for my future husband, he better have big hands because baby I am alot to handle. Nothing good comes easy. My road has been hard to say the very least. I have been broken in ways many people never will, but thats my secret weapon, everyone viewed me weak, they forgot I was really strong. No everyday is going to be a cakewalk. But what fun would life be if that was the case. You love toxic choas. I am self aware enough, its just that I need to stay in the power seat. I gave my kingdom away for what? A man with no spine, no capaility of selling anything but sweet lies. It still hurts today, the pain is much more dull than before. Now the pain is not so much towards him but fear I may stay alone forever. If law of attraction is real, this is what I always dreamed of as a child. Not relying on any man. Using them as toys if needed, but ruling my own world. Here I am. Now what will you do with it? Surely you did not fight every prior battle to get to the finish line to bow out did you? Cry for five minutes if you need to but then remember who you are- have faith in life, faith in God, faith in yourself anf your capabilites, and DO NOT ever let anyone take that away from you- not even the nefarius parts of yourself. Now boss up, own the week. Week II on the Roman Empire team. I am competing with number one in the comapny currently. Dust of those stihelettos baby. It is time to shine.
12:51 AM
you know what is funny, i did not even notice yesterday was Cinco de Mayo. I can see a picture of Marisa and I in Tucson. I was sickly skinny. Coke, that p drug I was hooked on, anything I could get my hands on really. Point being, back then, I could have never forgotton "CInco de Mayo," Times have really changed. I have always been fascinated by time. the way day to day nothing always seems to change all that drastically on most occasions but looking back, it is all so different. I always imagine myself holding a glass snow globe of my life, the memories as snow flakes. I watch them dance around trying to connect all the meaning.
Last night, I decided to go on a walk. I was listening to some sadish emo punk songs and kinda looking like a classy punk myself. I wore these new parachutte matte black pants, black boots, a black crop top with some weird yellow dude on it- like whaaat haah? Sometimes I do not even know what I am doing, shall I also mention the temporary sleeve tatoo I put on myself that I ordered from Amazon..yes, ladies and gentlemen. this is single at thirty. and to top off my outfit my infamouse black and red checkered jacket that I am obsessed with-- writes mental note to find more.
Anyway, I am on my walk and I am starting down the strip of west legacy. Saved the best for last in my mind, but I feel like I was meant to be there. I was walking and I saw cops starting to surround the area. I was confused at first but then, I saw a little boy on top of the tallest building on the strip. He was dirty and he did not have any shoes on. It took me a good second to really compute what was happening. I took my airpods out. I felt like my heart was beating in my head. Was this little boy really about to jump? I started to panic, fight or flight kicked in, it is not like me to not get involved. In a sense, this was also what I went to school for, not necessairy negotiation with someone that is sucidial but more so troubled impovershed youth.
I started to walk up faster, terrified he would just impulsively jump at any moment. I was trying to calculate what I could say to this child to convince him this was not the way. Why didnt he have shoes on, where did he come from, and why was his little heart so broken in his short life that he was on top of a building considering his life.
As I walked up I could hear him keep saying, "Can I just come down?" My instant thought was OMG does he mean jump?? It felt like forever but this all probably happened within a few minutes. The little boy ended up meeting the other of the two officers initally there with me on the highest level of the parking garage. I asked the officer, " was he going to jump?" He said, idk the firsst thing he said to me was I am not suicidal. I walked home in tears. What could his life be, I wanted to believe he was a troubled kid being dramatic, I knew better. A child does not run away from home and find themselves on top of a building at idk 1 am if they do not have a home to run from. I prayed God would wrap his arms around him. Shield him from the pain. He has been on my mind all day. I do not know why life brought us four together in that moment. me, the two officers, and the little boy.In that moment, I felt like when it came to life me and that officer were at an equal playing field when it came to being human and geneuinely just wanting to save a childs life. I feel like writing that it would seem so obvious, the way that it feels is different though. It was no coincedence I never leave my house and I have a random urge to go on a walk and that happens. I am glad I did not have to intervene. I would have a million times over, I am just glad it did not come to thatt, Whenever I think I have a right to be sad, or think my life is hard... I must remember that my life is a cake walk. I do not know why I am blessed and others are not. I do know I want to be a light to the world. I want God to use me for his will. I want to make a positive influence on someone. I feel peoples emtions, I am rarely wrong. Even far away. When I feel anothers pain , it breaks me inside. I hate to see anyone suffer. I am so grateful. Thank you, Heavenly Father for this beautiful life and for the spark to light my journey in this world back up.
Love you forever.
xoxo B
I want to die. I do not want to wake up tomorrow. Go through this cold and lonely life. The loneliness, the sadness, the pain, the silence, the feeling of watching the world from the outside. Everyone inside of it has someone. I do not have anyone. There are times I feel a glimmer of hope, a little light, but it so quickly vanishes. Going to sleep makes me sad and lonely so my new self sabotaging habit is to just try to stay awake for days at a time. Works for a little then it just makes me hate my life more. I know God got me here but it’s like in moments like these the pain is so deep I just want it to stop.
I think about my job. How everyone gets to get off and be around someone, what’s the point of getting of if you have nothing to do and no one to see and truthfully no one to care. M and I finally stopped speaking. Memories of us are clouding my mind constantly. I see Mexican food, I cry. Basically anything triggers something. I think being alone is strength but the desire to just have one person that I could trust, that I could just hug, like it’s so weird I am just craving that closeness. I hate myself. I hate everything I even do. It’s moments like this where I can’t see myself ever being happy again. It’s almost like I don’t even want to, I just want to be done. Wave the white flag. I don’t deserve my life. I suck at it. Everyone hates me. I can’t keep my head above water and quite frankly I am ready to drown. M didn’t take everything away from me. I took it away from myself. Being buried deep in the earths soil. Past the roots of the trees, my cold body would lay. Who would have ever thought that it would be me so shattered by life at 30, being buried in the cold dirt of the earth, truly sounded like the most enjoyable thing. I really can’t take much more