No One Told Me Love Is Pain

Domestic Violence


M, are you sorry because I figured you out or because you did it?

Remember when I said you could not sleep over when I had my bestfriend who no longer speaks to me did not want you there and you climbed to my second story balcony and cut a whole in the glass where the lock would be on a sliding glass door so you could get in?

Remember when you locked me outside in freezing weather in only my underwear?

Remember the time I asked you to stay at your parents and you kicked my door in?

Remember when you choked me out in front of my family at my moms wedding?

Remember when you hid my wallet and computer charger when you were drunk and I didn't find them for six weeks?

Remember when you hit my head into the concrete repeatedly until I lost conciousness?

Remember when you hit me so hard I had blood running down my face and you laughed?





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