Hear me clearly: you can comeback from anything. The devil is not attacking you because you are weak. The devil is attacking you because you are a threat, because there is something about you that's valuable. Remember, thieves don't try to break into empty houses. The devil couldn't take you out so he is trying to wear you out. So never give up because the tides is about to turn in your favor. God knows you're tired, he knows you are trying. Put him first. Trust him. He will make a way for you even when you cannot fathom a joyous outcome. You can be sure of your God. He is with you. He is for you. And he is working all things together for your good. Turning pain into power is not for the faint hearted. I've lost people. I've been broken. I've been beaten, quite literally and figuratively. And so much more. How do we climb back through the ashes they tried to choke us with? Life is tough my darling, but so are you. This, is the beginning of loving yourself. Welcome home. What is better than believing you are healing and heading towards love? If you have been strong enough to hold pain in your body your entire life than you are also strong enough to let it go is a saying by Erin Telford. Don't deny your fire my love, just be who you are and burn baby burn. Stay away from people who make you feel like you're hard to love. Someday someone is going to draw stars around your scars. Be inspired by the fear of being average. Everything is a choice. Of all the roads I have travelled, the journey back to myself is the most freaking magnificent one.
A gut feeling is a guardian angel. A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination, and hard work. Do not worry about contradictions- Persephone is both floral maiden and queen of death, you too can be both. Current vibe: working for the lifestyle I promised myself. In the waiting God is working. Collect beautiful moments along the way. The pain that you have been feeling cannot compare to the joy that is coming into your life. She walked with God and that was her game changing strategy. One of the best gifts we can give ourselves is time alone with God. You'll also be amazed at what you attract after you start believing in what you deserve. Who you are is enough. The most wonderful moment in a women's life is when she realizes she can do whatever she wants, she doesn't owe anyone an explanation, and she doesn't need anyone's approval. She's just living, and it is a beautiful thing. The day I traded my resentment for gratitude, my whole life changed.
If you believe in yourself enough and know what you want, you're going to make it happen. You can start late, look different, be uncertain, and still succeed. Strength grows in the moments we think we cannot go on. Quit the job. Quit the person. Quite the environment. Whatever is harming you, leave it. Something magical happens when you affirm you will not put your soul in a jeopardizing space. The doors begin to open when you value your peace. I'm in a phase of my life where I just have to do what is best for me. Your life will improve once you implement boundaries rather than bending over backwards for other people. Without good boundaries, you'll get used and abused by narcs, and entertain relationships that lack reciprocity, respect, and understanding. Don't be afraid to love again. Not everyone is like your ex.
Life is too short to worry about trivial things. Have fun. Fall in love. Regret nothing, and don't let anyone bring you down. Always be kind and don't judge someone just because they sin differently than you. The longer you betray your authentic self the more you believe the mask you hide behind is who you inherently are. Eventually, you will decide that being authentic is more important than being cool, and that is when your life will take off. You have no idea how good life is about to get. The universe has big blessings coming your way. In my intuition era. Duh. Tell yourself that you radiate goddess energy. That you are divine, that you are luxury, and that you are a dream girl. Now after all the pain are there not still such beautiful things in this life to live for?
Reminiscing about it brings me sweet nostalgia in the cruelest way. You took the sun with you when you left. Now it is time to turn my pain into power and bring the light back.
"The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still." Exodus 14:14
Positive Affirmations To Start Your Day:
- My actions are meaningful
- I am in the right place
- I am enough
- I am incredible
- I am optimistic
- I am valued
- My sensitivity is beautiful
- I belong here
- I deserve self-respect
- I will succeed today
- I love myself fully
- I can choose to see the good
- I'm more at ease everyday
- I am fearless
- I am unstoppable
- I am uniquely me
- I am strong
- I love all of me
- I believe in myself
- My mistakes help me grow
- I radiate positivity
- I am healing every day
- I feel grateful
- I can achieve anything
- I am proud of myself
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