Every Few Years You Need A Rebirth

Published on 28 June 2024 at 09:27

To the person who is slowly fading away...to the woman who lost her spark.  To the woman whose get up and go, has well and truly gone.  This is for you.  This is to remind you, that you don't have to be everything to everyone.  You didn't sign up for that.  Remember when you used to laugh? To sing?  Throw caution to the wind?  Remember when you used to forgive yourself more quickly for not always being perfect.  You can get that back again.  You really can.  And that doesn't have to mean letting people down or walking away.  It just means being kinder to you, feeling brave enough to say no sometimes.  Being brave enough to stop sometimes and rest.  It starts the moment you realize that you're not quite who you used to be.  Some of that is good, some of that is not.  There are parts of you that need to be brought back.  And if anyone in your life is not okay with that...they are not your people.  Your people will be glad to see that spark starting to light up again.  So, if you have been slowly fading away friend, this is the time to start saying yes to things that bring you joy and no to things that don't.  It's honestly quite simple.

Shout-out to the girl that is still holding onto God through a season that is lasting longer than expected.  I have shed my skin so many times.  The graveyards must be full of all the people I used to be.  Sometimes you have to lose everything to gain everything.  Certain things have to end, so better things can begin.  Your life isn't over.  It's starting over.  New beginnings are often disguised as painful endings.  As the legend goes, when the Phoenix resurrects from the flames, she is even more beautiful than before.  Her rebirth became stunning, she lifted herself from the depths of despair, grasped her dreams, embedded them in her heart, and walked forward into a future that only her will and vision could control.  From ashes we rise, reborn and resilent.  I have come back stronger and louder every time.  But this time round, I come back softer, quieter.  Like I don't care about the things I used to.  Not needing to talk about my strenghths at all.  And that feels strange.  This feeling of not needing you to see me or hear me, thinking I needed to be seen is how I got lost the first time.  You've seen my descent.  Now watch my rising. 

When did a dragon ever die from the poison of a snake?  If I could tell you anything to save you the time and lessons in this life, I would tell you to never let anything that happens to you turn you bitter.  Do not let the pain of something that was out of your hands turn you cold, darling.  Stay soft, as hard as that is sometimes, try.  Try with all of your heart to stay tender.  I know there's a lot of things that hurt, take us to our knees and threatens our hearts with a stone cold grudge.  Let it go.  You can't change it, but you can choose to not let it change you.  Don't let pain define you.  You are bigger than that.  I hope you know.  You are never how someone makes you feel.  Let it hurt, then let it heal.  But don't linger there.  Remember who you are and rise.

You are so much more than your weaknesses, your flaws, or your mistakes.  You are so much stronger than your fears.  There are dreams that sit on your heart for a reason, mountains that only you are meant to conquer, people you are meant to love, souls you are meant to inspire, lives you are destined to impact.  There is a path that is meant for you, and you alone.  There is no need to compare or compete, because this journey is yours.  Let go of the outside noise that tells you who to be and the inside voice that makes you doubt everything that you are.  Trust that you can not mess up what is truly meant for you.  Have faith that if you leap you will fly.  You are strong, you are capable, you are worthy.  You are enough, exactly as you are, at this very moment in time.  Your story is only just beginning.  You are deserving of it all.  Believe it.



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